Location: Gainesville, FL
J. Page is one of those bands you know is going to be great before you even
hear them. Why? Because the members' past bands rock. J. Page is a guitarist/songwriter
from As Friends Rust and main singer/songwriter/guitarist from The Scaries,
two bands that are as different as they were great. The music is every bit as
sweaty, intense and raw as anything that has ever come out of the legendary
Gainesville scene. Yes, it's sweaty, intense and raw, but it's coated with just
a bit of sugar pop - just enough to get you hooked. The two very different lead
singers keep things more than interesting, and assure that J. Page sounds unlike
any other band out there. J. Page formed in early 2004 when The Scaries broke
up and singer/guitarist Mike Magarelli moved down to Gainesville from Chapel
Hill, joining As Friends Rust's Chris "Floyd" Beckham. The band's
debut CD EP, aptly titled "Goodbye Chapel Hill,"
contains five solid tracks about touring, heartache, drinking and staying young...and
did we mention drinking? It's clear that we will be hearing great things from
this band in the future. Expect to see these humble but awesome punk rock veterans
touring through your town soon. "Goodbye Chapel Hill" is in stores
- "All hail the newest of the Gainesville elite, J. PAGE. Taking a cue
from the likes of HOT WATER MUSIC and AS FRIENDS RUST (whom they feature an
ex-member of), they manage to incorporate these sounds as well as their own
touches to create something honestly amazing and again prove to me that not
all music sucks. This is the pick of the month - go get this. Please."
(AMP Magazine)
- "If there's a definitive 'Gainesville sound,' J. Page embody it: melodic
punk rock with hoarse vocals and lyrics about liquor and loss." (Alternative
- "J. Page is one of those bands that tell me there are some people out
there that still get it...Goodbye Chapel Hill is an album to add to your collection
if you remember hanging out at punk shows when it was a scene and you were
a part of something special." (All
Ages Zine)
- "It's honestly an amazing, crowd-chant-inspiring collection of songs
that takes the listener by the ears and delivers a raw, focused dose of energy
and angst...J. Page hits the mark." (Pucknation)
- "This debut EP from J. Page explodes with awesomeness and makes you
feel good about what melodic punk is capable of." (Exoduster.com)
- "Gruff vocals in the range of Hot Water Music give it that punk rock
flavor while the percussion is busy and stays on time with the soaring rhythm
guitars. Be sure to handle with caution this suckers going to light
on fire." Editor's Pick. (Smother.net)
- "The mix of pop sensibility and musical versatility is a combination
not often seen, and to accomplish that overall sound in a mere five tracks
shows that J. Page is truly a special breed." (Neufutur)
- "A...punk/rock fury of a record. All in all, if you buy this record
you can do no wrong." (RiseandRevolt.com)
- "They manage to maintain a punk rock-based sound while at the same
time creating catchy melodies and lyrics that are impossible to not get stuck
in your head." (Sound-Riot.com)
- "If you have ever even heard of bands like Face to Face, The Lawrence
Arms, Hot Water Music, or As Friends Rust, you shouldn't hesitate to order
this album the moment you finish reading this." (SanDiegoPunk)
- "There's plenty of power (and good ol' heart-on-a-sleeve charm) to
go around on this EP, and its 15 minutes should leave a hefty impression."
Click Here to view J. Page tour